About Michael Allison
Michael is a Polyvagal Performance Consultant for coaches, managers, sports psychologists, teams and athletes within Major League Baseball MLB, The National Basketball Association NBA, Association of Tennis Professionals ATP, Women's Tennis Association WTA, Federation Internationale de Football Association FIFA, International Tennis Federation ITF, American Volleyball Coaches Association AVCA, USA Track & Field USATF, Association of Volleyball Professionals AVP, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association NCAA in a wide variety of sports.
He is an educational partner with Polyvagal Institute, and provides a variety of educational offerings, learning platforms and certification programs accredited by the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaches, and supported by Stephen W. Porges Ph.D., developer of Polyvagal Theory.
Michael was recently selected as a leading expert to teach Polyvagal Institute’s flagship course, and is a contributing author to a forthcoming Norton Book, Somatic-Oriented Therapies and Trauma, co-author with Dr. Porges of a chapter in a Norton Professional Series Book titled Polyvagal Perspectives, contributor to a chapter on Polyvagal Performance in a book titled Our Polyvagal World: How Safety & Trauma Change Us, a Norton Professional Series Publication, and contributor of a case study examining performance enhancement through physiological state regulation, a Sounds True publication.
In 2020, Michael developed his unique Play Zone methodology, endorsed by Stephen W. Porges, Ph.D., and has since certified hundreds of professionals around the world utilizing his approach to optimize health, resilience & performance.
Michael is a public speaker on topics related to Polyvagal Theory, play, team building, leadership, resilience and performance and has been a featured presenter at a variety of conferences including sports performance, collegiate athletics, human resources, education and trauma recovery. In addition, Michael was a key speaker at the Polyvagal Institute’s Annual Summits in 2022 & 2023, and The Master Series in Oxford University, UK in August of 2023.
A Polyvagal Informed Approach
Learn to recognize what zone you are in, when to shift between zones, and how to move up the Performance Hierarchy into the PLAY ZONE.
This science-backed methodology is based on the neurophysiological framework developed by Stephen W. Porges Ph.D in the Polyvagal Theory that describes how your autonomic nervous system scans your internal, external and relational environments beneath conscious awareness and reflexively shifts physiological state depending on whether it’s safe, dangerous or overwhelming. These adaptive bodily responses shape what it’s really like to be you - your thoughts, emotions and behaviors - how you perceive and interact with others and the world.
Through an understanding and application of Polyvagal Theory, we will make lasting positive changes in your lifestyle habits, relationships, responses to challenge, and performance in your professional and personal life. Every component of performance sits on top of your physiological state. If you want to reach and sustain peak performance, you must know exactly how to shift between zones (Fight, Flight, Shutdown) and into your Play Zone.
In contrast to feeling constantly on guard, revved up, or disconnected, we will retrain your body to rest in a state of relaxed calm, to mobilize in a state of engaged play, and to fully recover from states of acute and chronic “stress”.
You will develop awareness of your reflexive bodily responses, recognize which bodily state you are in, and apply attentional control toward what’s “safe & stable” in your internal, external and relational environments.
We can’t control what’s happening around us; we can’t control our body’s reflexive reactions to what’s happening; but we can control what we do to manage what’s happening in our body in challenging circumstances. When we do this, we regain control of how we interact with our own bodily feelings, others we engage with, situations we encounter, and the world we live in.
This is the gateway to optimal health, resilience and performance - learning how to find and absorb what’s reliably “safe & stable” in the ever changing conditions and environments that occur around us, within us, and in our relationships with others.
This website describes several methods (private coaching for individuals, groups & teams, virtual coaching, online courses, performance modalities) for you to explore in your quest to optimize wellness, resilience and performance. Whether that’s in your personal or professional life, as an athlete, coach, leader or organization, or simply as a human being seeking more contentment, joy and connection to who and what matters most to you.

Find Your Pro
Looking for a Coach that understands what’s really beneath optimal performance?
We have an expansive community of Polyvagal-informed Coaches from around the world who embody the methodology of The Play Zone in their professional work through a variety of disciplines - sports, business, voice, life, health, breath, education, movement, yoga, transformation & more.

How Our Feelings of Safety Guide Our Behavior
by Michael Allison - Published on Psychology Today on May 30, 2022

The Polyvagal Informed Coach
Polyvagal Theory describes the science of how our autonomic nervous system continually scans the internal, external and relational environments for risk and safety, and adaptively shifts physiological state (i.e. neural regulation of visceral organs, bodily systems, heart rate, breathing, etc.) depending on whether the current conditions are subconsciously evaluated as safe, dangerous or overwhelming (i.e. life-threatening). These reflexive bodily reactions (i.e. changes in heart rate, breathing, tone of voice, facial expressions, etc.) impact every aspect of our health, wellness and performance, as well as influence how we interact with others and experience the world.
More than our subjective experience, when we feel safe, our body is in a physiological state supporting health, growth and restoration (i.e. homeostasis). Whereas, when we feel unsafe, our body is interrupting homeostasis and either expending resources to attack, defend or escape, or conserving what’s left and shutting things down in a last ditch effort to survive. These are adaptive survival responses triggered autonomically that follow a predictable pattern paralleling evolution in reverse versus being consciously planned, thinking-brain decisions. It is only when we feel safe in our body that we are optimizing our metabolic resources, internal bodily systems, and our patterns of responses, behaviors, and how we relate to others, in ways that promote our health, resilience and overall quality of life.
Therefore, as a Polyvagal-informed Coach we have three fundamental goals that we hold for ourselves and for our clients:
Meet the body where it is. We recognize whether we feel safe or unsafe, and respect that our bodily feelings have an underlying neurophysiology regulated by our autonomic nervous system.
Help the body to find, feel and absorb what’s safe to the body. In addition to threat, we have the capacity to detect cues of safety in the surrounding environment, within our own body, and through our interactions with others. We help ourselves to get better at seeing, hearing and feeling the features available to us that soothe, calm and reassure our body that we’re ok.
Build strategies, inner resources, habits, daily practices and relationships that promote feelings of safety and connection in the body. We intentionally cultivate these spaces, places, actions and interactions that match our body’s biological needs for safety to counteract the competitive, evaluative, dynamically changing and uncertain climates of today.
At the heart of Polyvagal-informed Coaching, metaphorically and neurophysiologically, is how we relate with our clients. The secret to our evolutionary success as social mammals resides in our face-heart connection, the neuroanatomical link between the vagal regulation of our heart and the neural regulation of the muscles in our face and head that enables communication, cooperation and sociality to function as a neural modulator (i.e. cranial nerves 5,7,9,10 & 11). We exchange clues about our physiological state, whether friend or foe, through our facial expressions, prosody of our voice, how we breathe, the sounds we hear, and our body language (i.e. postures, movements, gestures, etc.).
This understanding of our heart-face connection, meeting the body where it is, and our shared biological journey to feel safe, become the foundation for how we show up, what we do, and why we do it. Through self awareness, self care and compassion we become authentic, accessible and reliably present. This is the pathway to health, wellness and performance for ourselves and our clients. This is the essence of becoming a Polyvagal-informed Coach and optimizing our human experience.
In addition to coaching/consulting with private clients, teams and organizations, I am leading the development of a Polyvagal-informed Coaching Certificate in partnership with Polyvagal Institute & Stephen W. Porges, Ph.D. This Certificate is ideal for:
Health, Wellness & Life Coaches
Professional Sports Coaches
Wellness Practitioners, Physical Therapists & Body Workers
Fitness Trainers, Yoga Therapists & Pilates Instructors
Executive Coaches & Business Leaders
Performing Artists, Musicians and Vocal Coaches
Anyone leading others to better health, performance and wellbeing

The Play Zone

Let's Connect
Are you ready to fulfill your quest to optimize wellness, resilience and performance? Schedule your free consultation below.

A Polyvagal Approach to Health
A flexible autonomic nervous system that we manage with intention
At every moment, our physiological state either promotes or interrupts optimal health, resilience and performance. Whether we recognize it or not, our autonomic nervous system is always scanning for what’s safe and unsafe, and shifting our neurophysiology depending on whether the environment (internal, external & relational) is interpreted as safe, dangerous or overwhelming.
A body under “threat” diverts resources from optimizing wellness & resilience (i.e. internal organ/system function), and instead directs energy toward survival by attacking, defending or protecting. Through an understanding of Polyvagal Theory applied directly to our health & performance, we can learn to manage our physiology through a variety of strategies, inner resources, lifestyle habits and relationships to regain control when reacting to challenges and to fully recover into an autonomic state supporting optimal levels of health, resilience and performance.
Learn how to manage your physiology for your benefit!

Read the Ebook
In this book, you will learn exactly how to manage your bodily reactions to your advantage, and enter The Play Zone on demand - that relaxed, confident and fully engaged zone for peak performance!

Safe & Sound Protocol
Reset your autonomic state to optimize recovery, healing, injury prevention, resilience & performance
A body under “threat” diverts resources away from optimizing growth, recovery and performance, and instead directs energy toward survival by attacking, defending or protecting. Whether the threat on the body is a result of competition, the repeated demands of training and performing, or due to overtraining in general - in order to fully recover, you must return to, and rest in a physiological state supporting health, growth and recovery.
The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) can be used to reset the Autonomic Nervous System back into a neurophysiological state of homeostasis, dampening sympathetic activation, reducing inflammation and improving baseline vagal tone. Higher baseline vagal tone provides for a more effective response to “stress” by raising heart rate more quickly to mobilize with a faster recovery back to baseline, without the need of turning the sympathetic nervous system fully on and off. You are therefore able to train with more intensity, recover more effectively, minimize risk of injury, enter your competitive events better prepared physiologically & psychologically, and expand your overall threshold for what you can manage on the court.Find Out How the Safe & Sound Protocol Can Help You!
Breathing Mastery Course
Take control of your breathing to control your performance
If you want to reach peak performance on demand, you need to become a master of your own breathing.
Your breathing pattern tells you exactly what zone you are in - Play Zone, Fight, Flight or Shutting Down. Through controlled breathing, you can manage your bodily state to your advantage and skillfully shift into the optimal zone for the situation.
Let's Connect
Are you ready to fulfill your quest to optimize wellness, resilience and performance? Schedule your free consultation below.